Adult daycare centers are an important care option that keeps families together and can improve the quality of life to both caregivers and their loved ones. Our elder loved ones should not be left to take care of themselves alone. At their age, they need special attention and professional care assistance with their daily living activities which our adult health & activity center can provide.
Lido Senior Club offers a comprehensive program specially tailored to adults who need supervision and assistance during the day. Our adult daycare center provides social activities and health care services for adults with physical disabilities and/or cognitive impairments, seniors who are frail or may be lonely and need to be with people and participate in activities instead of sitting at home alone. People who attend an adult daycare center usually live in their own homes or in the home of a family caregiver. Lido Senior Club can improve the quality of life for those who attend and help each person function at their best.
Even in the sunset of our lives, there can still be new hope. We only need to look past our own homes and accustomed environments to find them. We believe that when you visit Lido Senior Club, you will find just what your loved one needs to stay active, healthy, and happy. We offer adult day care programs in a lovely facility. Here, we maintain the safety of your loved ones during the day. Along with other participants, your mom, dad, or grandparent can take part in recreational activities. Meals are served for everyone to enjoy together over bubbly conversations with friends and our care staff.
We at Lido Senior Club offer planned programs that include a variety of health, social, and supportive services in a safe, protective environment during the daytime hours. We are a licensed, community-based program for seniors and adults with disabilities who need supportive services, professional supervision, and care.
Lido Senior Club is open five days a week. We offer many services to help seniors and adults with disabilities stay independent in their own homes and near their local ones.